Law Office of Norma A. Koch

Experience — Attention — Compassion


Experienced Family Law Representation For Paternity Issues In The Inland Empire

Just because co-parents never married doesn’t mean there won’t be family law issues encountered along the way.

Matters such as child custody and child visitation, child support and detailed documentation needed for court on these issues, during disputes, are covered under the legal term paternity.

For example, a birth mother may not want to have any contact whatsoever with the biological father of her child. Or she may seek child support and be willing to accept the results of his paternity testing, to establish parental rights.

On the other hand, a father may desire a greater role in his child’s upbringing, and consent to pay child support in order to realize that goal. Either co-parent could pursue legal action in order to acquire sole custody if the other co-parent is declared unfit.

Whatever your paternity issue in the Inland Empire, the skilled family law attorney whose wealth of knowledge and more than 30 years of legal experience can work to your advantage is Norma A. Koch in Rancho Cucamonga.

At the Law Office of Norma A. Koch, you work closely and directly with a compassionate lawyer who listens carefully to your goals, and acts on what she learns, working toward solutions that co-parents and children of those relationships can live with, long term.

Contact Us Today — Your Initial Consultation Is Free

Call toll free to 800-724-5088 or send an email message to arrange a confidential conversation about your legal issues with Norma A. Koch. It’s easy to find us — our law offices are located near the Rancho Cucamonga Courthouse. Weekend and evening appointments are available upon request. Se habla español.

Contact The Firm — Free Initial Consultations